Friday, May 9, 2008

Hair Tips 101

At the beginning of college, it was clear that 95% if not all the students were of some sort of African descent. Since when did black people start sprouting RED hair? Red is a beautiful colour…but really, too much of anything is annoying! When there’s the rare occurrence of assembly you can’t stop seeing red! Who doesn’t have red hair tips, has a completely RED back head.Newsflash: There are OTHER colours suitable for streaks- Dark Brown..Medium Brown...Chestnut Brown..Ash Brown...Golden Brown....Dark Blonde..Light Strawberry Blonde..Dark Strawberry Blonde..Ash Blonde....Grey (if you wanna channel your inner grandma J)...Burnt Orange..and the list goes on and on! If your excuse for having red hair is “I want to express ma creativity,” Let me be the first to tell you; HAVING THE SAME HAIR COLOUR AS LIKE 30% OF THE SCHOOL AIN’T NOTHIN SPECIAL. Should I bleach my hair?While hair bleaching is not advisable, we’re young and we do want to experiment with different looks. If you ARE going to bleach your hair try not to bleach the entire thing (the ends are a good option becoz they can be easily chopped off). Already bleached hair?Bleach does significantly damage hair, but if you’ve already done it you can take care of it to ensure your hair doesn’t fall out by the chunks. Keep your hair well moisturized. There are special moisturizers and hair relaxers for colour treated hair- NO they’re not EXPENSIVE (well...not really lol). Remember to treat your hair as often as possible!!